A trial at being consistent.

Happy New Month!!

So this is my second week of ‘writing and publishing blog posts weekly’ on the blog. And it’s not going as easily as I thought. Lol.

This past week was really busy for me and the weekend, busier. I had to juggle so much but thankfully I bodied most of my tasks. I am also learning to make my to-do lists daily and prioritise better. On some days, this will mean less sleep and I am trying to come to terms with that.

Among the many things I had to do this week was signing up at a gym. It’s something I have wanted to do for a while now but I just kept pushing forward due to several reasons. In the spirit of moving ahead with uncertainties, I decided to just get on with it. It’s been interesting so far. It hasn’t been up to a week yet but I think I will like it. Working out alone at home was okay, but being at the gym with other people and more equipment is a different experience. I hope to keep it up.

On another note, I was on a blog sometime last week and I saw that the author has a new book he is reading every week. I proceeded to ask how such a busy professional can get that into his schedule and he graciously answered in this post. Since leaving the university, my reading game has dropped by some level and I am hoping to revive it. Hopefully, I will be able to apply some of those tips.

This post is pretty short because I am really running against time. I decided to write regardless to ensure consistency.

Have a pleasant August!


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